Green Infrastructures
2014 Tramway Line 3.1 Landscape Design Piazza Viesseux, Piazza Leopoldo, Via Statuto
Final and executive project for the landscaping arrangements Piazza Viesseux, Piazza Leopoldo, Via Statuto
Municipality of Florence – Province of Florence- Tuscany Region – Italy
Clients / TRAFITER S.C. a R.L. – Società Consortile a r.l. Carpi (MO)
Project Manager/ Ing. Michele Priore (Manager Office Tramway, High-Speed Trains and Motorways Municipality of Florence) and service staff
Contractors/ Trafiter S.C. a R.L., Carpi (MO)
Designers/ Prof. Arch. Lorenzo Vallerini, in collaboration with Arch. Lorenzo Nofroni and Arch. Elisa Lucattini
The landscape project for Piazza Viesseux, Piazza Leopoldo and Via Statuto, starts from a consideration of the spaces affected by the arrival of Line 3.1 with a vision of the whole and relationship with the urban context characterized by a built quality and for a preservation of urban context. New pavements, trees and street furniture are proposed with a low visual invasive approach and as much as possible adapted to an urban residential system historically characterized.
The interventions include:
- the vegetation as a whole with the specification of existing trees to be maintained, those to be felled, those to be replanted;
- the arrangement of the central corridor of the tramway with the planting sites of new trees and with a coloured gravel surface (mulching) that guarantees low management costs and visual quality;
- the parking areas with diversified solutions of the flower beds (curbs and coloured gravel) and new resistant and visually qualitative trees.
In Via dello Statuto in the central flowerbed, the existing holm oaks, due to the large size and invasiveness of their foliage unsuitable for the close passage of return trains (about 3.00 ml distance), have been removed and replaced with a row of Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ mainly vertical with a sixth of dense plant ( 6.00 ml ) with adult plants of about 10 years old, of height 10-12 m., to have a “ready effect” view. These trees are anchored to the ground with a not invasive underground systems; moreover the leaves of the hornbeam are rather coriaceous and are easily removable with normal sweeping.
The squares Vieusseux and Leopoldo are reorganized by creating parking lots along the entire perimeter outside and inside interspersed with flowerbeds where new trees of Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ and Acer campestre are placed, resistant and with good ornamental characteristics.
In Leopoldo square, in the stop area, the pavement of the natural stone sidewalk is restored with flower beds at the existing trees.
2023 | Vallerini L., 2023 (in collaboration with Borghetti P.). The Tramway in Florence (italian text), in Conti M., Latrofa R., Daole F, Ottaviani G., Cappelletti N.B. (editor) “Pisa 2050 Greenblue connection for the city future” (italian text) , Paysage Ed., Milano: pp. 70-77 (ISBN 978-88-946581-9-4).
2022 | Vallerini L., 2022. The design of open spaces and landscapes (italian text), in Borghetti P., Vallerini L. “Green Infrastructures Florence Tramway New Landscape” (italian text) Journal “Topscape”, n°47/2022, Paysage Ed., Milano: pp. 160-163 (ISSN 1125-0259).
2022 | Vallerini L., 2022. Transport infrastructure in urban areas (italian text), in Borghetti P., Vallerini L. “Green Infrastructures Florence Tramway New Landscape” (italian text) Journal “Topscape”, n°47/2022, Paysage Ed., Milano: pp. 156 (ISSN 1125-0259).